Friday, July 20, 2007

That fateful day...

Venue: Eck African Seminar, PH, Nigeria, August 2000
Catwalq is at the Seminar Services desk welcoming people. Both Francophone and anglophone.

French Guy: Allo

Catwalq: Hello, Bienvenue.

French Guy: Oh, Merci, ou est le bureau de change (where is the bureau de change?) I here, Ivory Coast. No naira.

Catwalq( nodding seriously): Excusez moi, je ne parle pas francais. un moment ( i am sorry, I don't speak french. One moment. let me get someone)

Catwalq: eh, Naija French Speaking Bobo, can you please help this guy from Ivory Coast? You speak french abi?

NFSB: yes, where is he from?

Catwalq: Ivory Coast.

NSFB: Aaah, Cote D'voire.

Catwalq: No, Ivory Coast.

NSFB: (tone very superior and patronising) yes, cote d'voire is french for Ivory Coast.

French Guy: (nods in agreement. looks at catwalq funny)

Catwalq: (looks at ground. it doesn not open. Counts number of witnesses: about twelve)


princesa said...

Me first!
Whats my prize girl?

princesa said...

Awwh! Poor dearie!
There was really no need to feel bad sha. We dont all know everything.
I'd probaly have replied:
"Well whatever, go attend to the guy sabi sabi".
Nice weekend.

...toyintomato said...

....extreme embarrassment, praying the ground will open up right then..
sorry girl, this was too damn funny.

Anonymous said...

lol that's funny.. but its really not that embarassing!

diary of a G said...

even I knew that o lol

but if it makes you feel any better
I'll share an embarrassing story
with you
am thinking

oh wait
I don't seem to have any

Afolabi said...

very funny story, i thot they were two different u were at my city

Anu boy said...

lol, everyone has got his days girl,,,,

ijebuman said...

nothing to feel ashamed about, we're all learning everyday.
The country is no longer called by its English name (Ivory coast) and is now referred to by its French name (Côte d'Ivoire)

"The country was originally known in English as Ivory Coast. In October 1985 the government requested that the country be known in every language as Côte d'Ivoire"

Anonymous said...

So, when you were praying, did the heavens open or did the earth swallow you up?? Puele you! :-)

Naijadude said...

Hmm you shouldnt have been embarrassed though.....

Atutupoyoyo said...

Tut-Tut Cat. The geography lessons didn't pay off abi?

To be fair most people still call it Ivory Coast anyway. No shame jare.

IJEOMA said...

CHEI.. oh dear.. ndo pele..

Anonymous said...

don't mind dem jo! u knew it. It was d pressure of d moment dat cause temporary brain blockage.

Anonymous said...

lmao.... hehe.... i can just picture that one.. but it really wasn't that bad sha.. lol... actually maybe just a lil... hehe

Unknown said...

LOL!! You had one of those embarassing days huh? (smile)